My House Is Flooding, Now What?

 It's happened to the best of us.  You wake up in the morning, slowly saunter through your house and suddenly you feel a slight squish beneath your feet or a tiny splash as you walk.  You know your house is flooded, but you don't know how or where from.  This is when you should consider the help of a qualified plumber to repair your problem so you can get back to your regular life.  Everything from food to electronics are at risk when your house is flooding, so you must act quickly to protect your possessions.

 A sudden flooding issue can be caused by many things.  As pipes age they begin to corrode as a result of acidic water, in addition to other things.  If the corrosion has gone unnoticed for very long it is at a much higher risk of causing significant damage without notice.  In areas like St. Louis where the temperature fluctuates greatly between summer and winter, the repeated expansion and contraction causes the pipes to weaken over time.  Once this happens all it takes is one deep freeze for the pipe to freeze up and burst.  The only way to prevent this is to understand your home plumbing system, and have it inspected for integrity issues. For more facts and info regarding plumbers, you can go to

 There are several main advantages to hiring a certified and insured professional over a local with a convincing Craigslist ad.  To an amateur do-it-yourselfer, you could spend hours trying to locate a problem which would otherwise be easily recognized by a qualified professional.  Professional plumbers are licensed and insured to protect you and your home when requiring their services.  In addition, many home insurance policies cover damages and labor fees when you must hire a Plumber St. Louis to repair an emergency break at home.  While you may have to pay a deductible, it'll probably be a whole lot cheaper than paying for it yourself.

 While you may not have a lot of time to decipher all the details and qualifications when deciding to hire a plumber in St. Louis for a Clogged Toilet, keep these tips in mind.  You want to hire a professional plumber in St. Louis who is certified and insured.  This protects you, your home, and your possessions in case anything happens as a result of a failed repair.  Second, you want to ask them if they mostly deal with emergency calls or remodel and repair type jobs.  While you may not always need the plumber with the most emergency experience, when you do, you must ensure that is who you are hiring.  Last, ask if they have experience doing insurance repairs, and if that would be a potential problem for them.  Once this is settled, you are ready to make your decision.  There is a qualified and professional plumber in the St. Louis area available to speak with you today.